VSL Regalia
Brethren Serving Brethren
Orange Order.
All of our Collarettes are made here exclusively inhouse. Each Collarette is embroidered to your own requirements.
You can choose an All gold, All Silver or multicoloured Embroidered Collarette.
Our Braid and Fringing is of the highest quality.
Our dedicated (Scottish) seamstress ensures that each Collarette is produced to a very high standard .
Ratified by the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland
We can also supply the metal badges too (Not held in stock)
Discounts for multiple orders

Sitting Collarette (Full Length Plain) with Orange Fringe
(Min order 10pcs)..... £12
Sitting Collarette with L.O.L. and Number embroidered
(Min order 10pcs)..... £15
Juvenile Collarette 3 inch, 18 inches long, Kings Crown, Bible and badges.................... £20
Ladies 3 inch Collarette 22inches long
2 badges............................. £60
2 badges, KingsCrown and Bible... £65
2 Badges, Kings Crown and Bible
and 2 initials ...................... £70
2 badges, 4 emblems of
your choice......................... £75
2 badges, 4 emblems,
2 initials.............................. £80
2 badges, 6 emblems of
your choice......................... £85
2 badges, 6 emblems,
2 initials.............................. £85
Anything else......................Please call
Mens 4 inch Collarette 26 inches long
2 badges............................ £60
2 badges, Kings Crown and Bible.. £65
2 badges, Kings Crown and Bible
and 2 initials ..................... £70
2 badges, 4 emblems of
your choice......................... £75
2 badges, 4 emblems,
2 initials............................. £80
2 badges, 6 emblems of
your choice........................ £85
2 badges, 6 emblems,
2 initials............................ £85
2 badges, 8 emblems of
your choice........................ £90
2 badges, 8 emblems,
2 initials............................ £95
Anything else....................Please call
Note: additional length can be added at no additional cost

3ft x 2ft bannerettes, hand embroidered to your own design.
Call us to discuss your requirements.
Comes complete with Stand......... £POA
Please be aware bannerettes can take 12-16 weeks dependent on complexity

Side Sash with Braid and Fringe
Side sash 40 inches in length from right shoulder
Plain............................... £45
1 badge.......................... £50
1 badge, 1 emblem of
your choice..................... £55
1 badge, 1 emblem,
2 initials......................... £60
1 badge, 2 emblems........ £65
1 badge, 2 emblems ,
2 initials (Free)................ £65
1 badge, 3 emblems........ £70
1 badge, 3 emblems,
2 initials (Free)................ £70
1 badge, 4 emblems........ £75
1 badge, 4 emblems,
2 initials (Free)................ £75
1 badge, 5 emblems........ £80
1 badge, 5 emblems,
2 initials (Free)................ £80
1 badge, 6 emblems........ £85
1 badge, 6 emblems,
2 initials.......................... £85
Anything else.................. Please call

Sturdy cuffs make any senior office bearer stand out and highlights the importance of their office. Hand embroidered with emblem (and lodge number if required) No additional cost. What you are quoted is the price you pay..no hidden
**Special Offer** Buy a set of 3 for £150

Banner Poles
These 1.5 inch thick poles measure 96inches high appx with a 72inch middle section.
Finished off with Brass end caps.
Poles split down for easy carrying.................................... £450
Carry Bag (optional).................. £30

black weatherproof canvas pouch, zipped, embroidered with Your name and Lodge name / number.........£15


plain mens .... £8
plain womens ... £6
embroidered mens.... £10
embroidered womens ... £8
Bulk gloves (over 10 pairs ) mens .... £8 per pair embroidered
womens ... £6 per pair embroidered

Below are the embroidery designs which you can choose to personalise your own collarette


Kings Crown
Burning Bush

King Billy



Arc of the Covenant



All Seeing Eye
Neck Emblems​


boy LWF
Poppy LWF
In God We Trust

Heart Hand Sword & Shield

Kings Crown


Holy Writ


King Billy